MFM Game Pro Hunter’s Mix: Attract Game Animals Like Never Before!

MFM Game Pro Hunter's Mix is available at Berend Bros. If you’re a hunting enthusiast, you know how important it is to attract game animals to your feeding area. The key to attracting them is not just any feed, but the right feed. Today, we’re talking about just that – the right feed for game animals. And what’s even better? It’s easily available at your local Berend Bros. store – introducing MFM Game Pro™ Hunter’s Mix. This feed is designed to attract game animals like never before. Let’s get into the details of this feed!

Made up of primarily whole corn, roasted soybeans, Canadian peas, and a roughage pellet, MFM Game Pro™ Hunter’s Mix is the perfect mix for game animals. The best thing about this mix is that it’s apple flavored and who doesn’t love a good crisp apple? Especially game animals. This feed is designed to attract game animals to the feeding area and it’s perfect for those who are looking to keep the animals coming back to the feeding area.

Now, let’s talk about the composition of this mix. Whole corn is a key ingredient in the mix. It is a high-energy food that is perfect for game animals. Roasted soybeans are also included in this mix. They can help improve the quality of the fur and help with the overall condition of the animal. Canadian peas are another key ingredient. They’re high in protein, low in fat, and are great at helping maintain the digestive tract. Finally, a roughage pellet is included in the mix. The roughage pellet is perfect for keeping game animals healthy and providing them with the necessary fiber they need.

One of the great things about Berend Bros. is that we always offer high-quality products and feed. MFM Game Pro™ Hunter’s Mix is no exception. This feed is a beautiful addition to your hunting game and will attract all kinds of game animals.

Furthermore, it’s easy to use. All you need to do is to choose an area that you want the game animals to visit. Then, sprinkle MFM Game Pro™ Hunter’s Mix on the ground and watch the magic happen. The game animals will smell the apple scent and it won’t take too long before they show up. This mix is also perfect for attracting animals that are herbivores like deer, elk, bison or antelope.

The next time you need good quality feed for your hunting game, try MFM Game Pro Hunter’s Mix and see the difference.